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tail-wagging style. howl-worthy comfort.

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Beds for Every Kind of Dog 

Pets are another member of the family. Creating a space for them starts by choosing the right bed. That’s why we have done the research to create dog beds that are inclusive of many shapes and sizes. To find the perfect fit for your pooch, consider their breed, weight and measure them in their natural sleeping position.

We recommend sizing up if your dog is between sizes! If you’re still in doubt, visit our help page for more information on sizing.

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Shapes for Every Kind of Sleeper

Our pet beds come in an assortment of shapes, styles, colors, and sizes…just like dogs!


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WHY CHOOSE Bark & Slumber

Fresh designs, gentle sleep surfaces, supportive fill, and trouble-free cleaning make these dog beds an easy choice for any good boy or girl who deserves spoiling. Bark & Slumber dog beds provide snuggle-proof durability for playful pups and give pet parents something to howl about.  Available in multiple sizes and bed styles with patterns to complement any aesthetic, your pooch is just a woof away from a good night’s slumber

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Pawsatively Comfy

Comfort is key for your pet! Our recycled plush polyfill and firm foam inserts, combined with soft, comfy fabrics make a cozy spot to rest after a long day of play.[/s7upf_content_box][s7upf_content_box el_class=”about-services-box text-right”]

Muttchine Washable

Health and hygiene go paw in paw! We’ve made our beds with oversized zippers for trouble-free cover removal. The fabrics are strong and durable, so you can launder the cover in the washing machine.[/s7upf_content_box][s7upf_content_box el_class=”about-services-box text-right”]

Made for Ruff Housers

We make durable pet beds that let dogs be dogs. Our removable covers are made of high-quality fabrics that last.  Our inserts are designed with an accident repellent inner liner to help protect the fill.[/s7upf_content_box][s7upf_content_box el_class=”about-services-box”]

Style That’s Fetching

We understand that style is just as important as comfort. That’s why our in-house designers continually research interior design trends to develop beautiful fabrics and patterns that will complement your home and personal style.[/s7upf_content_box][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row disable_element=”yes” el_class=”space-top-100 mb100″][vc_column][s7upf_content_box el_class=”title-box text-center mb60″]

WHY CHOOSE Bark & Slumber

Fresh designs, gentle sleep surfaces, supportive fill, and trouble-free cleaning make these dog beds an easy choice for any good boy or girl who deserves spoiling. Bark & Slumber dog beds provide snuggle-proof durability for playful pups and give pet parents something to howl about.  Available in multiple sizes and bed styles with patterns to complement any aesthetic, your pooch is just a woof away from a good night’s slumber

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Pawsatively Comfy

Comfort is key for your pet! Our recycled plush polyfill and firm foam inserts, combined with soft, comfy fabrics make a cozy spot to rest after a long day of play.

[/s7upf_content_box][s7upf_content_box el_class=”about-services-box text-right”]

Muttchine Washable

Health and hygiene go paw in paw! We’ve made our beds with oversized zippers for trouble-free cover removal. The fabrics are strong and durable, so you can launder the cover in the washing machine.

[/s7upf_content_box][s7upf_content_box el_class=”about-services-box text-right”]

Made for Ruff Housers

We make durable pet beds that let dogs be dogs. Our removable covers are made of high-quality fabrics that last.  Our inserts are designed with an accident repellent inner liner to help protect the fill.

[/s7upf_content_box][s7upf_content_box el_class=”about-services-box”]

Style That’s Fetching

We understand that style is just as important as comfort. That’s why our in-house designers continually research interior design trends to develop beautiful fabrics and patterns that will complement your home and personal style.

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Shop Our Dog Beds

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join the bark & slumber mailing list

Stay updated on all of our upcoming pet bed launches. We will let you know when, where, and what’s on sale.

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meet the pack:

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I’m also an avid swimmer and work as a therapy dog to provide endless cuddles to those in need. My favorite Bark & Slumber Dog Bed is the Henry Houndstooth XL Foam Sofa Style Dog Bed.” image=”3663″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Bam” position=”Miniature American Shephard” link=”#” des=”Bam has entered the building! I’m a sporty boy who loves a challenge and I weigh 38 pounds. I compete in many dog sports and hold perfomance titles in: Agility, Canine Freestlye, Conformation, FastCat Lure Coursing, Nosework, Rally Obedience and Trick Dog…just to name a few. I have Championship Titles in Conformation and Trick Dog. I prefer the Medium Toby Triangle Foam Sofa Style Dog Bed.” image=”3651″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Emily” position=”West Highland White Terrier” link=”#” des=”Hey your favorite Westie here, Emily. I’m 16 pounds and 7 years old and I love to cuddle. I’ve been in the show dog biz for a while and have racked up many titles including Obedience, Agility, Rally, Scent Work, Earthdog, Barn Hunt, Fast Cat, Elite Trick dog and more! My favorite bark & slumber dog bed is the Small Abstract Bailey Blue Polyfill Round Lounger Dog Bed.” image=”3653″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Chocolatta” position=”Dachshund” link=”#” des=”Hi, it’s the one and only Chocolatta! I’m 10 pounds and 12 years old. I retired from my illustrious show dog career but I enjoy watching my siblings Velvet and Widgeon compete while enjoying snacks with Mom. The Bark & Slumber dog bed I like the best is the Small Bentley Brown Polyfill Sofa style Dog Bed.” image=”3655″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Widgeon” position=”Dachshund” link=”#” des=”Good Day Mates, I’m Widgeon! I’m 13 pounds and 8 years old. I love competing in Agility, Rally, Fastcat, Earthdog and dog parkour. I hold many titles but my most recent is in cart pulling. My best friends are my sisters Velvet & Chocolatta. My favorite dog bed is the XL, yes XL Gracie Grey Stripe Foam Lounger Dog Bed, so I can invite all my siblings to lounge with me!” image=”3654″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Velvet” position=”Dachshund” link=”#” des=”Hello, I’m Velvet. I’m a little shy at first but the word “treats!“ brings out the extrovert in me. I’m 8 pounds and 8 years old and known for my beautiful red hair. I’ve become a Champion in agility; I love dog parkour and skate boarding! My favorite Bark & Slumber bed to snuggle up in is the Small Luna Linen Round Cloud Dog Bed.” image=”3656″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Daisy” position=”Border Collie” link=”#” des=”What’s up guys, Daisy here. I’m 2 years old and 35 pounds of fun! I love to dance around with my hooman and show off the sweet moves I memorized. My favorite Bark & Slumber Dog Bed is the Ollie Green Medium Polyfill Round Lounger Dog Bed.” image=”3657″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Moo Moo” position=”Kooikerhondjie” link=”#” des=”Hey I’m Moo Moo, also known as Moo Moo Pie! I’m 30 pounds and 6 years old. I am a champion dancing dog and love traveling with my hooman to do shows and completions around my region. My favorite bark & slumber dog bed is the Medium Roll Over Rust Polyfill Lounger Dog Bed.” image=”3658″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Katey” position=”Yellow Lab” link=”#” des=”Woof, It’s Katey! I’m 70 pounds and 18 months old. I have mastered agility training and now I’m working on my dancing dog titles. My favorite bark & slumber dog bed is the Large Gracie Grey Stripe Polyfill Lounger Dog Bed.” image=”3660″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Hexton” position=”Leonberger” link=”#” des=”Hexton, here! I’m a big goof ball like my brother Indigo. I’m trying to catch up to him but I’m only 150 pounds and 4 years old. I love to go swimming everyday in the pond near my home. Providing endless cuddles to my therapy clients is my second favorite thing to do. The dog bed I like the best is the XL Bella Blue Round Cloud Dog Bed.” image=”3661″][slide_testimonial_item name=”Castle” position=”Smooth Collie” link=”#” des=”What’s up peeps, I’m Castle. I’m 75 pounds and 5 years old. I’m a champion show dog and live in a house hold of 7 dogs plus my hooman. Every day is doggy play day in my house! My favorite bark & slumber dog bed is a Large Good Boy Grey Round Cloud Style Dog Bed.” image=”3662″][/slide_carousel][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” content_placement=”top” el_class=”brand-list-wrap bg-smoke”][vc_column offset=”vc_col-lg-offset-0″][vc_column_text]

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We’ll help you find the bed that is right for your pet.

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[wp-svg-icons icon=”envelop” wrap=”i”] hello@barkandslumber.com
